What is IASTM?

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) also known as “scraping,” is an evidence-based form of muscle therapy which uses a stainless steel tool to effectively address scar tissue and fascial restrictions to improve patient outcomes.

What can it help?

IASTM can help with faster recovery and decreased pain for many conditions and injuries including:

  • Neck and low back pain (sprain, strain, tightness)

  • Hip pain (hip flexor tightness, impingement, sprain, strain)

  • Knee pain (IT band pain, sprain, strain)

  • Ankle/foot pain (plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis)

  • Shoulder pain (rotator cuff, bicep’s tendinitis, sprain, strain)

  • Elbow pain (epicondylitis, UCL sprain, tendinitis)

  • Wrist/hand pain (trigger finger, De Quervain’s, sprain, strain)

  • Women’s Health (post- mastectomy and Cesarean scarring)

  • And many more

How Does it Work?

The instruments are first used diagnostically to identify areas of dysfunction, fibrosis or inflammation in the soft tissue by running the instrument along the muscle to feel for an amplified texture (often described as “bumpy or gritty”).

Second, the instrument is used over the dysfunctional area with more pressure. This allows for removal of adhesion and increased muscle pliability by causing a small amount of inflammation to restart the body’s natural healing process.